Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tata Group Innovates

India's iconic Tata Group is a remarkably diversified company with investments as divergent as tea and steel. As the company seeks to grow beyond its Indian roots and compete with the best globally, innovation is becoming increasingly central to its strategy. Toward that end, chairman Ratan Tata has instituted a surprising competition: A prize for the best failed idea! To spark innovation and keep the company from avoiding risks, the prize is intended to communicate how important trying and failing can be. "Failure is a Gold Mine!" proclaims the near-retirement chairman, hoping to leave the sprawling company with enough of an innovative spark to keep it relevant on the global stage.
CMC Club, 
IIPM, Kolkata

Friday, December 10, 2010

Corporate Management Cell

Hello Everyone.

                           This is the official blog of the CMC Club, CMC stands for Corporate Management Cell. This is one of the most highly esteemed clubs of IIPM. CMC Members from all over the nation have showed excellence in their fields. Most of them are leading entrepreneurs and top executives.

                            This CMC blog is from the members of CMC at IIPM, Kolkata. The club was re founded by Prof. Aniruddh Banerjee who is a figure of great value and inspiration for all of us studying here at IIPM. Under the guidance of Prof. Banerjee, some of the events that we the students of IIPM, Kolkata will perform are:

  • Guest Lectures
  • Corporate Seminars
  • Academic Discussions
  • Management Events
  • CSR events, etc.

Our main motive at CMC is to enrich the knowledge of our fellow batch mates so that they get to know the practical level of education at corporates. We all study at IIPM to become a MBA, being a MASTER at something doesn't only come from bookish knowledge, one has to know what is it in the real world as well. Thereby, we have been chosen from all as a medium to deliver what every MBA must have, i.e, exposure. Exposure to THE REAL WORLD.

All that we learn in our classes will be of real help in the corporate world, but the hidden treasure lies in the way we implement it. Implementation of ideas and knowledge in exams is one thing and implementation in the real world is different. We shall get corporates to come to our campus and deliver us the knowledge of how things work there and how things should be taken care of at different situations, strategies and theories are all situational, these corporates shall update us with all this.

Thereby, we request all of you to be an active part of CMC, not just because its just another club, But because all the events of CMC will get you the hidden treasure that lies beyond the books of management.

Thank You,
Akash Poddar, Club Coordinator
Subhadip Mitra, Co Coordinator
Poni Roy
Sanchi Nagar,
Nabarum Maity.